Features & Benefits
Wear-Con Densit® Super-Isol™/1100™ Densulate™ Insulation Slabs are a range of extremely lightweight instulation with excellent insulating value, high mechanical strength, and exceptional heat resistance. Super-Isol™/1100™ is designed to be used as part of the Densulate™ Insulated Wear Protection System, but can be used as back-up for all refractory equipment. Three Super-Isol™/1100™ surface finishes are available: smooth, rigid, and non-dusting.
Wear-Con Densit® Super-Isol™/1100™ can be installed as a part of the Densulate™ Internally Insulated Wear Protection System (See Densulate™ data sheet). Super-Isol™/1100™ can also be installed independently by welding pins to the surface, pushing Super-Isol™/1100™ onto pins, then fixing by bending excess length of pins neatly into insulation slab.
Technical Specifications
Due to their exceptional heat resistance and low thermal conductivity properties, Wear-Con Densit® Super-Isol™/1100™ will withstand continuous temperatures up to 1832°F and 2012°F, respectively. Super-Isol™/1100™ is highly resistant to monoxide and hydrocarbons, making them ideal for furnaces with reducing atmospheres, as well as combustion and high-temperature process equipment.
Wear-Con Densit® Super-Isol™/1100™ is available in 1” thick (± 0.06”), 4”x39.4” (± 0.1”) standard slabs. Thicknesses from 1” to 4” available on request.