Your Blue Line of Defense

Nitrate-Bonded Silicon-Carbide Cast Ceramic

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Features & Benefits

Due to its superior heat resistance and strength, Wear-Con WC88N™ Nitrate-Bonded Silicon Carbide Cast Ceramic offers high thermal conductivity and stick resistance. WC88N™ is frequently used in the coal-fueled power, mining, chemical, and metal industries.


Wear-Con WC88N™ can be installed with epoxy or cast with weldable inserts.

Technical Specifications

Wear-Con WC88N™ can withstand temperatures up to 2800°F.

Property WC88N
Bulk Density lb/ft³ (g/cm³) 163 (2.62)
Apparent Porosity % 16
Modulus of Rupture % 16
Apparent Porosity psi(MPa) 9500(65.5)
Coeff. of Thermal Expansion 10x10-6/°F (10x10-6/°C) 2.7 (4.9)
Thermal Conductivity W/m°K 18
Maximum Service Temperature °F (°C) 2777 (1525)


Wear-Con WC88N™ components can be cast in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, up to 24” x 40” x 48”. WC88N™ can be cast into complex geometric shapes, with standard tolerences of ±0.04” or ±0.5% (whichever is greater), and non-uniform wall thicknesses from 0.3” to 3”+.

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